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Analysis of the impact of MaDIoT attacks on two models of power system models

Analysis of the impact of MaDIoT attacks on two models of power system models

N. Rodríguez Pérez, J. Matanza, L. Sigrist, J.L. Rueda Torres, G. López

IX Jornadas Nacionales de Investigación en Ciberseguridad - JNIC 2024, Seville (Spain). 27-29 May 2024

Original summary:

Este artículo compara el impacto que los ataques MaDIoT (Manipulación de Demanda a través de IoT) podrían tener en sistemas eléctricos con diferentes características, como el sistema IEEE-39 (Nueva Inglaterra) y el sistema PST-16 (modelo europeo simplificado), asumiendo que el atacante no tiene conocimientos avanzados de la red. Los resultados muestran diferencias significativas en la probabilidad de éxito de un ataque, siendo mucho mayor para el sistema IEEE-39. Sin embargo, una alta probabilidad de éxito no necesariamente significa un alto impacto. Este artículo muestra que la respuesta de los modelos a los ataques MaDIoT de mayor impacto es muy diferente, ya que inicialmente afecta principalmente a los ángulos de rotor en el PST-16, y la frecuencia eléctrica en el IEEE-39.

English summary:

The increasing penetration of Internet of Things (IoT) devices at the consumer level of power systems also increases the surface of attack for the so-called Manipulation of Demand through IoT (MaDIoT) attacks. This paper provides a comparison of the impact that MaDIoT attacks could have on power systems with different characteristics, such as the IEEE 39-Bus (New England) and the PST-16 system (simplified European model), by assuming that the attacker does not have advanced knowledge of the grid. The results for the IEEE 39-Bus system expand and complement the results obtained by previous work. The simulation results show that these systems present significant differences between them with respect to the success probability of an attack, being in general much higher for the IEEE 39-Bus system. In the PST-16 system, the required number of bots to obtain a certain success probability varies depending on the area attacked. However, a high probability of success does not necessarily mean a high impact on the system. This paper shows that the response to the high-impact MaDIoT attacks of the two models considered is very different as the initial impact of the attack on the system also differs, mainly affecting rotor angles in the PST-16 system, and the frequency in the IEEE 39-Bus.

Keywords: ciberataque; dinámica del sistema eléctrico; MaDIoT; ataques de alteración de la carga; estabilidad del sistema eléctrico.; cyberattack; power system dynamics; MaDIoT; load altering attacks; power system stability

Publication date: 2024-05-27.

N. Rodríguez Pérez, J. Matanza, L. Sigrist, J.L. Rueda Torres, G. López, Analysis of the impact of MaDIoT attacks on two models of power system models, IX Jornadas Nacionales de Investigación en Ciberseguridad - JNIC 2024, Seville (Spain). 27-29 May 2024.

    Research topics:
  • Smart grids
  • Representative electricity networks and applications
  • Cybersecurity: Cybercrime prevention, cybercrime detection
  • Internet of Things (IoT): Agents and cloud

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